Program and Speakers
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Practical Information

Instructions for the Proceedings

The firm DEADLINE IS October 15 !!

The Proceedings, which will be published by EdP Sciences, in the European Astronomical Society Publications Series (Scientific Editor : Dr. Jean-Paul Zahn;

The FIRM deadline for the submission of your contribution is:

***** OCTOBER 15, 2006 *****

The detailed instructions for authors are available on the web at:

When you are ready to do so, please transfer your contribution as a single tar/zip file (please use your name as a namefile, e.g. emsellem.tar.gz) on our ftp account.
and let us know that you have transfered it by sending an email to cralconf--at--obs.univ-lyon1.fr (with the subject = Proceedings). The tar file should contain the tex file and all postscript figures.
Please do not forget to fill in (type or print) the copyright transfer statement form and return it to EDP Sciences by mail or by fax (see EAS Publications Series web site).

The page limits are:
  • 12 pages for Review talks (and summary talk)
  • 6 pages for Invited talks and oral contributions
  • 2 pages for posters
With our best regards,
the LOC