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Pour convertir du HTML en Wiki.

Charger le paquet libhtml-wikiconverter-perl :

 sudo apt-get install libhtml-wikiconverter-perl

Utilisation du script

Pour obtenir la liste des dialectes :

 html2wiki --list

Pour obtenir la liste des options :

 html2wiki --options

Par exemple :

 html2wiki --encoding=utf-8 --dialect=PmWiki \
 input.html >

Yeti 6.4.0

Yeti version 6.4.0 has been released (2015-02-06). This version has no new feature compared to 6.3.3 but is now hosted on GitHub. [more]


MiRA won 2008' Beauty Contest

MiRA has won the 2008' edition of the Beauty Contest for image reconstruction algorithms from optical interferometry data.