Arlette Pecontal

Arlette Pecontal



Arlette Pécontal-Rousset

Scientific software & software project management

CNRS research engineer
Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL)
9, av. Charles André
69561 Saint Genis Laval cedex

Tél : +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)


Current responsibilities

Head of the CRAL Scientific Computing department (responsability endorsed by L. Piqueras on the 15th of March)
Software System Engineer of the ELT/HARMONI project
Project manager for the upgrade of the Instrument Performance Simulator for NIRSpec/JWST (contract with ESA)
Member of the VISTA/4MOST project (simulations and AIT software)
Member of the steering committee of the MAPI network dedicated to Project Management at INSU
Member of the national expert group EFISOFT

And before

Software Project Manager of the MUSE instrument which was installed on UT4 (ESO-VLT) at the beginning of 2014
Software Quality Manager and then Project Manager for the NIRSpec/JWST Instrument Performance Simulator (contract with EADS-Astrium)
Responsible for the data reduction software of the OASIS-WHT instrument
Head of the CRAL Project department
Responsible for the software of the OASIS-CFHT
Responsible for the IFU libs (I/O and graphics librairies used by the XOasis, XSauron, XSnifs and XSspecSNLS softwares)
Responsible for the control command of the SNIFS instrument (installed in april 2004 on Mauna Kea)
Development of the CRAL technical document database software

Other participations to projects or working groups :


My main tasks :Mainly software project management and system engineering, right now, but also data taking and data reduction softwares (with GUI) + instrument simulators for IFS (Integral Field Spectrographs)
Tools : Mainly C (C++) languages, python on Linux and mathematical libraries
Main algorithms used: Non-linear least square fitting, filtering, convolution, adaptative thresholding, statistics
... and sometimes : Deconvolution, principal component analysis, wavelets
Web corner : Databases (MySQL), PHP, HTML & XML
EDMS: Configuration and administration of the Nuxeo platform used by the institute
Participation to the UDL network regarding EDMS
Teaching (until 2002): C & Tcl/Tk languages to students from the DEA Astrophysique et Milieux dilués (UJF Grenoble/ENS Lyon/UCB Lyon)
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